interested in renting a room to a Player for the Season? July/2024 - nov/2024
The following set of frequently asked questions is intended to provide a general overview of the expectations related to offering a room for the VI Raiders Housing Program.
Q: What is the level of compensation that a Host receives for housing a Player?
A: Host receive $800.00/month for each player that they billet. Payments are made on, the first of each month by the player. This payment includes room, access to laundry, internet etc and any extra amenities can be discussed.
Q: What age are the players in the program?
A: The players age 17 to age 22
Q: Is there a minimum/maximum number of players that we can host?
A: No. We would prefer two (2) players in a home, but not required
Q: What happens if the player is not a good match for the Host ?
A: It is always a big adjustment for both the Host / Family and the player. The VI Raiders will always do their best to work through any situations that may arise and reach an amicable solution that allows all parties to move forward in a positive manner. If a player is simply not going to work in a particular home, we will make arrangements to transition the player to another home that is more suitable.
Q: Where do the players come from?
A: All players are Canadian and come from across Canada.
Q: When do the players arrive and when do they leave ?
A: Players start arriving to Nanaimo the first week of July and will conclude their season in late Oct/Nov depending on playoffs.
Q: Is there a contract or agreement that the Host Family is required to sign?
A: Yes. Each Host and player/parents are required to sign an agreement that clearly outlines the expectations of all parties involved in Host-Player relationship.
Q: What living space is required for a player?
A: Each player requires their own private bedroom that is appropriately furnished as well as access to common living areas in the home.
Q: What is the expected level of engagement between the player and the Host / Family?
A: We strongly encourage the Host to integrate the player(s) into their family/life as much as possible. This may include the player partaking in family day trips, activities, parties, meals, etc.
Q: What is the expected level of “parenting” that a Host Family should provide?
A: It is expected that the Host treat the player as part of their family and in the same manner as they would treat their own children/family members. Players are expected to strictly abide by all rules that are set by the Host.
Q: How do the players get to and from training and games?
A: The Players are responsible to ensure they have appropriate transportation to all practices and games. The VI Raiders handle transport of team for away games.
Q: Is the Host Family expected to provide transportation to/from social events and personal appointments?
A: No. The player is responsible for getting to and from any social activities, or personal appointments. The Host is certainly allowed to provide rides to places for the player(s) anytime they choose to do so.
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